Chris is the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Challenge Director for Made Smarter Innovation, which is a £147M programme supporting the manufacturing sector in the UK. Through the development and adoption of new technologies it aims to transform the competitiveness, productivity, resilience and sustainability of the manufacturing sector in the UK. Prior to this Chris lead the Industry 4 effort in across manufacturing in Deloitte, developing and delivering smart factory and connected supply chain solutions across multiple industries. Chris has also been a CTO of a start-up, was the launching Chairman for CFMS and before that an Engineering VP in Rolls Royce where he worked in aerospace defence and commercial and offshore marine. Throughout Chris’ career he has developed and delivered new technology capability and business transformations and has worked extensively in Scandinavia, USA, Singapore and Europe.
Chris studied for his MBA at Warwick Business School, and holds a masters from Cranfield University and a degree in aeronautical engineering from Queens University Belfast. In addition to various advisory roles he is the governor of a local integrated primary and secondary school in Derby.