The New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE) was incorporated as a private company limited by guarantee without share capital on 3 December 2013 and registered as a charity with the Charity Commission on 5 January 2018.  

NMITE is self-governing and legally independent but regulated as a public body. NMITE was registered as an English higher education provider with the Office for Students on 26 August 2020 and is subject to its Regulatory Framework.  

NMITE recruited its first students in September 2021, and for its first two years worked with the Open University as its validating partner. NMITE has been granted New Degree Awarding Powers by the Office for Students, commencing on 1st September 2023, which enables it to award its own degrees. 

Articles of Association

Founding Declaration

Engineering a New Future: Strategic Plan 2023-2028

Our Strategic Plan 2023-2028 sets out five key aims to help us realise our vision, namely our breakthrough interdisciplinary model will equip students with the skills needed in an ever-changing world. We’ll deliver lasting impact, as we contribute to civic life, and our programmes will provide new opportunities for enhanced skills and career development throughout the UK. 

Students getting hands-on with engineering at NMITE

Quick section links

Green icon of a female and male figure

Governing bodies

Key decision making bodies at NMITE

Dark green calendar icon

Corporate calendar

NMITE corporate meeting dates throughout the year

Green icon of graduation hat

Educational policies and plans

Educational policies and plans - they guide what we do

Worldwide web icon in dark green

Website policies and terms

Guidance on accessibility, data privacy and more

Governing bodies

Three main bodies are crucial at NMITE for decision-making and governance: the Board of Trustees, the Academic Council and the Executive leadership team. Below you can find out more about the Board of Trustees and the Academic Council.

Board of Trustees

NMITE’s Board of Trustees is the supreme governing body of the institution and carries unambiguous responsibility for overseeing NMITE's strategic direction, academic mission and operating activities. The Board of Trustees has a majority of independent lay members, who are appointed on the recommendation of its Nominations committee. Each member is subject to a selection process consistent with higher education practices. 


The Board of Trustees is ultimately accountable for the fulfilment of the objects for which NMITE was established. These are to establish and operate a Higher Education Institution in Hereford, as set out in its Articles of Association (above) and the development and implementation of the strategy required for that purpose. 

The members of the Board of Trustees are both directors of NMITE as a company limited by guarantee and trustees of NMITE as a registered charity. As such, they are subject to all the duties of trustees of a charity. In addition, NMITE is in receipt of public money and as such is a public body subject to the Seven Principles of Public Life and the rules and guidance published by HM Treasury for managing public money

The Board is accountable to the Office for Students (OfS) for ensuring compliance with all of the conditions of registration and for ensuring NMITE's governing documents uphold the public interest governance principles

Primary responsibilities

The primary responsibilities of the Board, which (unless otherwise stated or explained) are compliant with the Higher Education Code of Governance issued by the Committee of University Chairs (the CUC Governance Code), are:

  1. To approve the mission, strategic vision, ethos and identity of NMITE, its long-term academic and business plans and key performance indicators, and to ensure that these meet the interests of stakeholders.
  2. To delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the academic, corporate, financial, property, infrastructure and personnel management of NMITE, and to establish and keep under regular review the policies, procedures and limits within which those management functions shall be undertaken by and under the authority of the CEO.
  3. To secure the efficient, economical and effective management of all NMITE’s resources and expenditure, capital assets and equipment, and staff, so that the investment of public funds and private donations are not put at risk.
  4. To ensure the establishment and monitoring of systems of control and accountability, including financial and operational controls and risk assessment, safeguards against fraud, and procedures for handling internal grievances and for managing conflicts of interest.
  5. To ensure processes are in place to monitor and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of NMITE against the plans and approved key performance indicators, which should be, where possible and appropriate, benchmarked.
  6. To establish processes to monitor and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the Board itself and its committees.
  7. To conduct its business in accordance with the CUC Governance Code, the CUC Higher Education Senior Staff Remuneration Code, the Nolan Principles and the guidance published by the Charity Commission.
  8. To safeguard the reputation, ethos and values of NMITE.
  9. To appoint the CEO and to put in place suitable arrangements for monitoring their performance.
  10. To approve the proposed job description and terms of appointment for each member of the Senior Leadership Team and to participate in and approve their appointment.
  11. To be responsible for establishing a human resources strategy.
  12. To be the principal financial and business authority of NMITE, to ensure that proper books of account are kept, to approve the annual budget and financial statements, and to have overall responsibility for NMITE’s assets, property and infrastructure.
  13. To be NMITE’s legal authority and, as such, to ensure that systems are in place for meeting all its legal obligations, including those arising from contracts and other legal commitments made in NMITE’s name.
  14. To make such provision as it thinks fit for the general welfare of learners, in consultation with the Academic Council.
  15. To act as trustee for any property, legacy, endowment, bequest or gift in support of the work and welfare of NMITE or its learners.
  16. To ensure that procedures are in place which are designed to ensure that NMITE’s governance arrangements set out in the Governance Handbook are always followed (or to approve any waiver or departure from them), and that appropriate advice is available to support this.

Other matters that are considered by the Board:

  1. To approve expenditure in relation to any project, initiative or acquisition which falls outside those authorities delegated to the CEO.
  2. To ensure the solvency of NMITE and the safeguarding of its assets.
  3. To appoint a Company Secretary (to act also as the Clerk to the Board) and to ensure that, if the person appointed has managerial responsibilities in NMITE, there is an appropriate separation in the lines of accountability.
  4. To approve an annual budget before the start of each financial year – 1 August to 31 July.
  5. To determine fees and charges having regard to NMITE’s policy for diversity and inclusion and widening participation.
  6. To ensure that NMITE has in place policies which support diversity and inclusion in its recruitment of learners and staff and widening participation in higher education and engineering and systems which provide them with equality and diversity of opportunity as members of NMITE.
  7. To approve the creation or dissolution of any trading or other subsidiary of NMITE.
  8. To ensure that NMITE has in place relevant policies which uphold its ethical values, particularly in terms of donations in cash or kind, research, business development and corporate social responsibility.
  9. To approve the appointment of members of the Board and the filling of casual vacancies.
  10. To approve the establishment, membership and terms of reference of each committee of the Board and each other Committee, Council, Forum or Panel which is the responsibility of the Board, including (but not be restricted to):
    • the Academic Council
    • an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group to contribute actively to the design and implementation of NMITE’s policies to support equality, diversity, inclusion and widening participation
    • the Student Suspension Review Panel, the membership of which shall be identified by the Student Disciplinary Appeals Committee (or Chair) separately for any individual case.
    • the Special Committee to be convened in the event of the dismissal of holders of senior posts including the CEO and the Company Secretary.
    • the Members’ Advisory Council (and the Members’ Advisory Forum which is to operate in the period to the establishment of the Members’ Advisory Council)
  11. To receive the annual report of the Audit & Risk Committee for submission to the OfS and the QAA, together with an annual report of each of the other Board committees.
  12. To receive the OfS’s annual assessment of institutional risk.
  13. >To approve amendments to the Academic Council Terms of Reference and note the Academic Regulations as approved by the Academic Council.
  14. To approve the annual calendar of meetings for the Board and its committees.
  15. To ensure that NMITE has a written statement of policies, and to monitor the implementation of those policies through the receipt of an annual report.

Meet the trustees

Register of Interest and Terms of Office

NMITE’s Board of Trustees’ Register of Interest can be found via the link below.


The NMITE Board of Trustees maintains four standing committees to support the Trustees in conducting their business, ensuring adequate scrutiny and review, and ensuring the delivery of NMITE’s programmes and operations. The Terms of Reference for these committees are reviewed annually and updated as necessary.  From time to time, additional supporting committees may be constituted in order to assure that the Trustees are appropriately supported. 

Committee terms of reference and membership:

Audit and Risk Committee 

Finance, Resource and Property Committee

Nominations Committee 

Remunerations Committee

Committee meeting dates:

All committee meeting dates can be found in the NMITE corporate calendar below.

Board of Trustees meeting minutes

The Board minutes of meetings will be published in due course. If you would like to see meeting minutes before then, please contact our Governance team.

Academic Council

It is a primary responsibility of NMITE’s governing body 'to receive and test assurances that academic governance is adequate and effective through explicit protocols.’ In the case of NMITE this work is carried out through the Academic Council which in turn reports to the Board of Trustees. 

Academic governance includes aspects of control and oversight of NMITE’s higher education provision and is conducted in partnership with its learners as expected by the Office for Students (OfS).”

Terms of Reference

Meet the Academic Council

Academic Council meeting minutes

The Board minutes of meetings will be published in due course. If you would like to see meeting minutes before then, please contact our Governance team.


The Academic Council maintains four standing sub-committees to support the Council members in conducting their business, ensuring adequate scrutiny and review, and ensuring the delivery and quality of NMITE’s academic programmes and operations. The Terms of Reference for these committees are reviewed annually and updated as necessary. 

Academic Affairs Committee

Assessment Board 

Academic Council

Extenuating Circumstances Committee 

Quality Assurance Committee 

Widening Participation Committee 

Partnership Advisory Group

The Partnership Advisory Group (PAG) supports NMITE’s Board of Trustees and Academic Council, and provides input and information in its role as guardian of NMITE’s ethos, mission and values.  


The PAG includes partners who are from employers or from community organisations and focuses on NMITE’s commitment to developing our programme to address the workforce and employability needs of employers and the community development needs of Herefordshire. 

Specifically, the PAG’s remit includes: 

  • Advising on aspects of NMITE’s current partnership activities as well as highlighting trends and future opportunities  
  • Ensuring that the employer- and community-led nature of NMITE remains relevant  
  • Providing input to the development of NMITE strategies in such areas as employer engagement, community engagement, skills and lifelong learning, curriculum development, and technical and engineering trends.   

Terms of Reference

The Partnership Advisory Group provides guidance, input and review of all aspects of NMITE’s Partnership (Employer & Community)Engagement to the Board of Directors, Academic Council, and Members’ Advisory group.

  1. To advise on aspects of partnership activities and highlight opportunities and trends.
  2. To ensure that the Employer and Community led nature of NMITE remains up to date and relevant.
  3. To provide input to the development of the strategies for NMITE which may include such things as:
    • Employer Engagement
    • Community Engagement
    • Skills and Lifelong Learning
    • Curriculum Development
    • Technical and Engineering Trends


  • At first, membership will be appointed through invitation. It will comprise of employer and community representatives at the appropriate level, providing a broad range of expertise.
  • Members will be appointed for an initial term of 24 months.
  • Where possible, the membership will be made up from representatives from partner organisations, employers, community and government organisations.
  • Where possible the membership should be gender balanced and from a variety of backgrounds and experience to add diversity of knowledge and skills.


PAG will meet twice a year and possibly more frequently as NMITE develops, depending on demand, and occasionally remotely, when advice or decisions are required.

NMITE will operate mechanisms for recording members’ interests and for dealing with potential conflicts of interest during the conduct of its business.

The minutes or report of each meeting will be presented to the group.

Becoming NMITE

We responded with resilience and ambition to the early challenges of launching during a pandemic, successfully securing registration as a new higher education provider in 2020. Since then, we’ve expanded significantly, creating courses, campuses, a talented workforce and a diverse community of students. 

NMITE students and staff working on an electrical engineering project

Corporate calendar

Meeting dates

Board of Trustees

28 February 2024

17 April 2024

5 June 2024

31 July 2024

2 October 2024

11 December 2024

Academic Council

21 February 2024

22 May 2024

24 July 2024

Finance and Resource Committee

19 January 2024

28 May 2024

22 July 2024

25 November 2024

Audit and Risk Committee

12 March 2024

10 June 2024

17 September 2024

2 December 2024

Nominations Committee

To be confirmed

Remuneration Committee

To be confirmed

NMITE policies and plans

Our policies and plans guide decisions and help us to achieve specific outcomes. They’re adopted by our governing bodies and leadership team, assisting both subjective and objective decision making. 

NMITE integrated engineering students working together on a project

Educational policies and plans

Access and Participation Plan

NMITE believes that all students, irrespective of their background, should be supported to access and succeed in higher education if they have the ability and the desire.

Our commitment to widening participation is presented in our Access and Participation Plan, which has been approved by the Office for Students (OfS).

Access and Participation Plans set out how higher education will improve the equality of opportunity for students from underrepresented groups to access, succeed in, and progress from higher education. The plan outlines the actions that we will take to support access to NMITE and the success of underrepresented groups.

You can view our 2022-23 to 2026-27 Access and Participation Plan, below: 

Annual fee information

The following fee information applies to all new entrants covered by our Access and Participation Plan joining NMITE in 2023-24 and 2024-25.

Modern Slavery Policy

NMITE has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, striving to ensure that no resources or materials are purchased from companies or individuals that use slavery and that no employee, volunteer, or student at NMITE is treated in any way that resembles modern slavery conditions. NMITE also works to maintain that none of the supply chains involved use modern slavery methods. 

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act was passed on 30 November 2000 and fully came into force by 1 January 2005. Its purpose is to promote a culture of openness and accountability amongst public authorities, by providing the public with rights of access to the information they hold. These rights are not restricted to individuals with a connection to the public authorities or the information.  

About the Freedom of Information Act 

These rights facilitate better understanding of: 

  • How public authorities carry out their duties 
  • Why they make the decisions they do 
  • How they spend public money 

Higher Education Institutions fall within the definition of public authorities. 

The Act establishes certain rights for the public and places responsibilities on NMITE associated with those rights, principally: 

  • The maintenance of a Publication Scheme (see below), which acts as a guide to the information NMITE routinely publishes about itself. 
  • The public right to request recorded information held by NMITE and not covered by an exemption, in addition to that information within the Publication Scheme. A Request for Information needs to be made in writing.  

Further information on FOI can be found on the Information Commissioner's website

Publication Scheme

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), in accordance with section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act, has implemented a single, approved Model Publication Scheme to be adopted by all public authorities. In addition, the ICO has released a "Definition Document for the Model Publication Scheme for Universities." The Model Publication Scheme and "Definition Document" can be accessed here.

NMITE has adopted the ICO's model publication scheme and, through this website seeks to inform the public how to access information it holds.

NMITE details the classes of information that it makes available to the public in accordance with the model scheme and, wherever possible, provides an easy and free method of accessing this information. These details exclude any information that is:

  • Published for internal purposes only
  • Provided in confidence to partner organisations only
  • Considered personal data under data protection legislation, principally the EU General Data Protection Regulations and the UK Data Protection Act 2018
  • Considered to be commercially sensitive
  • Believed to have potential health and safety implications for individuals
  • Published elsewhere and not published by NMITE 
  • Intended for future publication
  • Held only in draft form

Please note that the information referenced here is not intended to be a definitive list of all information NMITE publishes. More information can be found by using the searching or browsing functions at Some sections of the website are not publicly accessible and any information in these sections is not part of this guide. 

Any information not included on our site may still be accessible under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. If you cannot find the information you are seeking through our website, please contact Further information on NMITE’s Freedom of Information policy can be found above.

Guide to Information

This guide is presented in sections to assist you in finding the information you need.

Who we are and what we doThis section contains information relating to the legal and corporate status of NMITE as well as information about the management structure of NMITE.
Legal frameworkThe New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE) was incorporated as a private company limited by guarantee without share capital on 3 December 2013 and registered as a charity with the Charity Commission on 5 January 2018. NMITE is self-governing and legally independent but regulated as a public body. NMITE was registered as an English higher education provider with the Office for Students on 26 August 2020 and is subject to its Regulatory Framework. NMITE recruited its first students in September 2021, and for its first two years worked with the Open University as its validating partner. NMITE has been granted New Degree Awarding Powers by the Office for Students, commencing on 1st September 2023, which enables it to award its own degrees.
How we make decisions

There are two decision-making bodies at NMITE - the Board of Trustees and Academic Council. The Board is NMITE’s supreme governing body, responsible for setting its strategic direction and policies, and for NMITE’s finances and assets. The Academic Council is the highest academic body, reporting to the Board of Trustees and responsible for NMITE’s academic policies and for regulating academic work and standards.

Minutes of meetings where key decisions are made about the strategic direction and operation of NMITE, excluding material that is properly considered to be private, is readily available to the public.

Minutes from Board of Trustees and the Academic Council

Board of Trustees 

Academic Council

Our key policies and procedures

This section contains information on NMITE operating policies and procedures organised by major operational category
Academic Regulations

Assessment Policy

Foundation Year Regulations

General Regulations for First Degrees

MEng and BEng (Hons) Integrated Engineering Programme Regulations

Equality and Diversity

Arrangements for Lone Working

Equality, Diversity and Dignity in the Workplace Policy

Employee Bullying and Harassment Policy

Employee Mental Health Policy

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Modern Slavery

Reasonable Adjustments Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Student Anti-bullying and Harassment Policy

Student Disability and Reasonable Adjustment Policy

Student Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy

Financial Regulations

NMITE Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy

NMITE Financial and Procurement Regulations


Fundraising Complaints Policy

Fundraising Data Retention Policy

Fundraising Vulnerable Supporters Policy

GDPR & Privacy

NMITE Privacy Notice for Enquirers and Applicants

NMITE Data Protection Policy

NMITE Donors and Supporters Privacy Notice

NMITE Staff and Volunteers Privacy Notice

NMITE Freedom of Information Policy

Privacy Notice for Students

NMITE Recruitment Privacy Notice

NMITE Website Data, Privacy and Cookies Policy

Media Consent Policy


NMITE Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy

NMITE Articles of Association

NMITE Conflict of Interest Policy

NMITE Governance Handbook 

NMITE Risk Management Policy 

Health and Safety

NMITE Health and Safety Policy 

NMITE Health and Safety Risk Management Policy 

Human Resources

NMITE Employee Bullying and Harassment Policy

NMITE Employee Disciplinary Policy

NMITE Freedom of Speech Policy

NMITE Grievance Resolution Policy and Procedure

NMITE Employee Handbook 

NMITE Employee Mental Health Policy

NMITE Modern Slavery Policy

NMITE Recruitment Privacy Notice

NMITE Reserve Forces Policy and Procedure

NMITE Stress in the Workplace Policy

NMITE Whistleblowing Policy


IT Acceptable Usage Policy

IT Disaster recovery Plan 

IT Electronic Mail Policy 

IT Information Security Policy

Records Management

Records Management Policy

Records Retention Schedule


Academic Misconduct Policy

Academic Freedom Policy

Access and Participation Plan

Admissions Policy

Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Policy

Data Protection Policy

Extenuating Circumstances Policy

Leave of Absence Policy

MEng & BEng Integrated Engineering Assessment Handbook

MEng & BEng Assessment Policy

MEng & BEng Integrated Engineering Programme Handbook

MEng Integrated Engineering Programme Specification

BEng Integrated Engineering Programme Specification

Prevent Strategy

Privacy Notice for Enquirers and Applicants

Privacy Notice for Students

Safeguarding Policy

Smoking Policy

Student Academic Appeals Policy

Student Anti-bullying and Harassment Policy

Student Complaints Resolution Policy

Student Contract - Terms and Conditions

Student Disability and Reasonable Adjustments Policy

Student Disciplinary Policy

Student Drug and Alcohol Policy 

Student Engagement Strategy 2023-2026

Student Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Student Handbook

Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy

Student Sexual Misconduct Policy

Student Social Media Guidelines

Tuition Fees and Refund 

Student Protection PlanNMITE Student Protection Plan

Freedom of Information Requests

NMITE is committed to protecting the personal data with which it is entrusted. It provides access to such data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulations and the UK Data Protection Act 2018. It is also committed to sharing information as required of a public body subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

If you would like to request public information under the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) from NMITE you should first check that it is not already publicly available in accordance with our Publication Scheme (above).  Before you make a request, please check whether the information you seek is already available on the NMITE website, which has a search facility.

For Freedom of Information Requests, the request must be made in a permanent form by a named individual supplying a correspondence address, whether that be a postal address or an email account. Please email or write to NMITE Governance, at the address below:

Information Services
New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE)
Blackfriars St.

If you wish to request information that we hold about you, or in certain circumstances to request personal data about someone other than you, please see the information at Subject Access Requests (below). 

Subject Access Requests

What is a subject access request?

A Subject Access Request (SAR) is simply a request made by, or on behalf of, an individual. Under data protection legislation, individuals (data subjects) have the right to request that a data controller provides them with the following:

  • Confirmation that their personal data is being processed
  • Access to their personal data
  • Other supplementary information about the processing of their personal data.

How do I make a subject access request? 

A subject access request can be submitted verbally or in writing, but in either case, must describe the personal data required. If making a third party request for personal data, please note the special conditions here. NMITE’s Governance office can provide you with a Subject Access Request Form which will aid you in providing as much detail as possible relating to the request and will reduce the potential for delays pending clarification. If you are unable to make a request in writing, telephone NMITE at 01432 371111 x341. Proof of identification must be provided, comprising a copy of an official document containing photographic identification, e.g. passport or driving license.

You can submit the form and/or proof of identification by email to  but please note that NMITE will only begin to process a request once it is in receipt of all items. We may need to provide the response in an accessible format and will work with you to establish what is appropriate.

What happens once I have submitted a request?

NMITE will send you an acknowledgement of the request. If we need any clarification, or if proof of ID, we will contact you as soon as possible. Once we are in receipt of a clear request and proof of ID we will begin to locate and collate the relevant personal data.

What information will I receive?

The subject access right allows individuals the right to access personal data of which they are the subject. It does not provide the right to access entire documents if the documents do not fully comprise the personal data of the individual. Therefore, in response to a subject access request, an individual may receive partial or redacted documents.

Can I access the personal data of other individuals?

An individual only has the right to access personal data of which they are the subject and there is no right of access to the personal data of friends or family. However, there are some instances in which a request made on behalf of another individual or for a specific purpose (such as the detection or prevention of crime) will be considered. Please refer to this section for further information.

When will I receive a response to my request?

Under data protection legislation, NMITE must respond within one calendar month of receiving a request and proof of ID, unless the request is particularly complex, in which case the deadline may be extended by a further two months. Where NMITE needs to extend a deadline we will write to inform the requestor of this.

How will I receive copies of personal data in response to my request?

Copies of personal data will normally be sent either electronically (by email attachment, using password protection and encryption) or in hard copy (by the Royal Mail's 'Signed For' service). If you prefer, you can request that we provide personal data to you orally, but we will only do so if we are able to verify your identity first.

What if I am dissatisfied with NMITE’s response to my request?

If you are dissatisfied with the way in which your subject access request has been processed or dissatisfied with the response that you have been given, please write to the Company Secretary in the first instance c/o so that NMITE is provided with the opportunity to review the matter and respond to your concerns.

You can also ask the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) to carry out an assessment to see whether it is likely or unlikely that NMITE has responded properly. The ICO can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 0303 1231113

Making a third-party request for personal data

There are some circumstances under which NMITE will consider a request for access to personal data on behalf of another individual, or a request for access to personal data of another individual without their consent. These are:

  • The requestor is the parent of a child aged 12 years or under
  • The requestor has the written permission to make a request on behalf of another individual
  • The requestor has Power of Attorney or an order from the Court of Protection to act on behalf of another individual
  • NMITE believes that it is in the best interests of an individual who does not have the capacity to make a request themselves
  • NMITE deems that release can be justified under crime and taxation provisions.

In these circumstances, NMITE may seek further information from the requestor in order to help determine whether we are willing to release any personal data.

A request for access to personal data made on behalf of a child

Children aged 13 and above are generally deemed mature enough to make decisions about the processing of their personal data and would normally be expected to submit a subject access request themselves. Where a parent of a child over the age of 13 submits a subject access request on the child's behalf, NMITE may contact the child to request their consent to the release of the personal data, or require the parent to provide written consent from the child.

A parent has the right to request access to their child's personal data, where the child is under 13 years old. NMITE will decide whether it is in the best interests of the child to make the disclosure. Please follow the subject access request process above, submitting a copy of a form of ID for yourself and your child.

A request for access to personal data made on behalf of an adult

A request for access to personal data made on behalf of an adult will need to be accompanied by a signed letter from the data subject that contains consent to the release of all or specific personal data to the requestor. Such requests are typically made by solicitors acting on behalf of a client.

A request for access to personal data made on behalf of an adult who does not have the capacity to make a request themselves will need to be accompanied by proof that the requestor has the authority to act on behalf of the data subject, such as through Power of Attorney or an order from the Court of Protection. Where authority is not provided, NMITE will consider on a case by case basis whether release of the personal data requested is in the best interests of the data subject. Please follow the subject access request process above, submitting a copy of a form of ID for yourself and the data subject and proof of your authority to act on behalf of the data subject.

A request for personal data for the purpose of law enforcement

The Data Protection Act 2018 contains some exemptions that permit NMITE to release personal data for the purpose of law enforcement:

  • Safeguarding national security (section 110)
  • The prevention or detection of crime, the apprehension or prosecution of offenders or the assessment or collection of any tax or duty or of any imposition of a similar nature (schedule 2).

A request for the release of personal data under these provisions would be typically made by a police force, the Department for Work and Pensions, a local authority or the Border and Immigration Agency. NMITE is not obliged to release personal data unless it is satisfied that it is reasonable to do so. Under these exemptions, personal data may be released without the consent of the data subject and outside of the purpose for which the personal data was originally collected.

A request for release of personal data for the purpose of law enforcement should be submitted using the requesting organisation's own form for that purpose. Police forces, for example, use standard forms as per guidance issued by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). The form should give full details of the personal data requested, a full explanation of the reason for the request and should be counter-signed by a senior officer of the organisation. Completed forms should be emailed to  Requests will be acknowledged and a full response sent as soon as possible.

Website policies and terms

Website Data, Privacy and Cookies Policy

NMITE (New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering) respects your personal privacy and personal information security. Data collected is securely stored, and only used for the purpose it was collected. The NMITE website refers to any content that sits within the domain.  

If you have any concerns or questions about data, privacy or cookies, please contact us at 

Ownership information 

The terms 'NMITE' or 'us' or 'we' refers to the owner of the website, with the registered office at NMITE, Blackfriars Street, Hereford, England, HR4 9HS. NMITE is registered for VAT under VAT Number 441909588. NMITE is a Company Limited by Guarantee, under Company Number 08800142, and registered in England and Wales. NMITE is also a Registered Charity, under Charity Number 1176550. 

The term 'you' or ‘visitor’ or ‘user’ refers to the user or viewer of our website. 


This privacy policy outlines how NMITE uses and safeguards any information you provide while using the NMITE website. NMITE is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy. If we request specific information that can identify you during your use of this website, you can be confident that it will be utilised solely in accordance with the principles stated in this privacy statement.  

What data does NMITE collect? 

  • Feedback or enquiries: Through visitors emailing NMITE directly or filling in 'contact us' forms. 
  • Form submitted data: These include prospectus requests, open day registrations and application forms. 
  • Site usage information: Using cookies to improve website development and create a better user experience for visitors. Collected data typically includes operating system, browser details, IP address (a unique identifier for your computer on the network), browsed pages, referring page leading to the current one, and software configuration aspects. This is done through cookies. 

You may request details of personal information that NMITE holds about you under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you would like a copy of the information that we hold about you please contact us at You can also email us if you believe any information we hold about you is incorrect. We will respond promptly and make necessary corrections. 

How do we use your data? 

  • To contact you, if you have requested a response.  
  • Form-submitted data is only used for the purpose it was collected, for example, contacting you, booking you onto an open event or processing an application. 
  • To improve the design and navigation of the website, to help you easily find what you need when you need it. 

Security and storage 

NMITE is dedicated to maintaining the secure storage of any information you provide. To prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have implemented appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to protect and secure personal information collected online. 

  • Information you supply via our website will be retained on NMITE’s software systems in accordance with NMITE’s Privacy Notice for Enquirers and Applicants or as required by law. This is unless you inform us you wish to remove it prior to this time by contacting 
  • Information collected is accessible to NMITE’s web service administrators. 
  • Some of this information is automatically included in feedback emails from the NMITE website. Inclusion in emails will help to resolve technical issues related to your site usage. The information included in feedback emails doesn't involve the transfer of extra data to NMITE, nor does it include personal information. 

Direct and remarketing 

Through our online forms, we may gather details such as email addresses, postal addresses, or phone numbers. With your permission, we may use these contact details to reach out and share additional information that we believe may be of interest to you. If you would like to receive such information, please indicate your consent by checking the provided box to opt in.  

With your permission, NMITE may use the data you allow us to access when using our website for remarketing purposes. This means we may use your data to target you with specific advertising on third-party platforms such as Google and Facebook. Examples include adverts on search results pages or display adverts on the Facebook platform. Refer to our Cookie Policy below for specific details. 

Email addresses provided to NMITE as part of an enquiry may be employed with Facebook's custom audience feature, Google's customer match features, or Twitter's tailored audience feature. 

Sharing your data with third parties 

  • Legal compliance and best practices: NMITE commits to treating your data in accordance with current legislation and following best internet practices. 
  • Sharing of data: Data will only be shared with NMITE-controlled affiliates, vendors working on behalf of NMITE, when required by law or legal processes, and to maintain safety and security or protect the rights or property of NMITE. 
  • Consent: Data will not be supplied to anyone outside of NMITE without your consent unless required by law. This emphasises the importance of obtaining consent before sharing data with third parties.  

Age restriction for personal information entry 

  • Individuals aged 16 or under are advised not to input personal information on our web pages without the consent of a parent or guardian. 

NMITE email privacy 

Email communication and tracking pertains to emails linked to the data you share with NMITE. NMITE may contact you via email using the information provided during registration. Microsoft Outlook or Mailchimp email software are used for sending these emails. The following refers to Mailchimp as bulk email software. 

  • Use of tracking data: Tracking data collected by MailChimp is utilised to ensure emails are relevant to your interests and to avoid unnecessary emails.  
  • Disabling tracking: Information on how to disable tracking can be found online or in your email program instructions. 
  • Opting out: You have the option to opt out of emails from NMITE using the provided link in the email. 
  • Unsolicited emails: NMITE does not send unsolicited emails. If you receive such emails, use the unsubscribe link or contact NMITE immediately to resolve the issue. 

Third-party website links 

The NMITE website may include links to other websites beyond NMITE's control. NMITE has no authority over the nature, content, and availability of these external sites. Inclusion of links does not imply a recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed within those sites. 


This information is provided as part of our commitment to enhancing transparency regarding your online privacy, aligning with broader efforts to comply with recent legislation. 

NMITE does not use cookies to store personal information about you. No attempt will be made to identify you through cookie usage, except on NMITE systems where you’re required to ‘log in’ by entering a username and/or password. This includes the NMITE course application form. 

About cookies 

Cookies are small text files placed on your computer by websites you visit; they’re widely used to enhance website functionality and efficiency. They’re also required for tasks such as keeping you logged in or remembering accessibility settings. 

Cookies typically contain information about the issuing website, its name, and a randomly generated unique number as its value. Each cookie has a ‘lifetime’ indicating when it should be deleted by your browser. 

NMITE website cookies 

To personalise your experience on the NMITE website, we use cookies. This means, with your permission, that a small text file is saved on your computer. This doesn’t contain any personal data.  

Here is a list of the main cookies used on the NMITE website: Please note that this list will be uploaded soon.

Managing cookies 

As an NMITE website visitor, you can manually disable or delete cookies on your computer. You can also possibly view existing cookies on your own system. Visit All About Cookies or About Cookies websites for detailed instructions and additional information about managing cookies. 

However, cookies may be essential for the effective functioning of some NMITE website services. Disabling cookies may render certain functions and services unavailable, causing the NMITE website to operate incorrectly in your browser. 

Third-party cookies 

We use third-party cookies to personalise advertising and enhance website user experience. In terms of advertising, these cookies enable us to personalise adverts based on your browsing history, interests, and demographics, making adverts more relevant to you.  

To enhance user experience these cookies help the NMITE website remember preferences and login information; they also help us to uphold and enhance the quality of the NMITE website, gathering insights, analysing user behavior, and contributing to the ongoing improvement of the website's performance and user experience. 

We use the following third-party cookies on the NMITE website: 


Meta Pixel: Implementation of Meta Pixel is used to monitor website traffic; data derived is utilised to target advertisements to specific audiences via Instagram and Facebook; read more infromation about the Meta Pixel privacy policy.  

Google Adwords: NMITE utilises Google Adwords features to target adverts to website users; read more in the Google privacy policy. You can opt out of this service by installing the Google Analytics opt-out add-on for your browser, visiting Google’s Ads Settings, or using the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page

Google Analytics: A free web analytics service provided by Google, capturing the behaviour of users; it records visitor interactions with the website using cookies; refer to the Google privacy policy for detailed information. 

Microsoft Clarity: A free user behavior analytics tool provided by Microsoft, providing behavioral metrics, heatmaps, and session replays; aids in understanding user interactions with the website through session replays and heatmaps; for more information about how Microsoft collects and uses your data, visit the Microsoft Privacy Statement

Contact us 

Please contact us if you have any questions at  


Website Accessibility Statement

This will be uploaded in due course. Please contact for specific information.

Website Disclaimer

NMITE (New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering) has carefully prepared the information displayed on this website ( and has done everything within its control to ensure this information is factually correct at the time of publication. However, the information provided is for general purposes only, unless otherwise stated. 

No representations or warranties, express or implied, are made concerning the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the website or its content. 

Ownership information 

The terms 'NMITE' or 'us' or 'we' refer to the owner of the website, with the registered office at NMITE, Blackfriars Street, Hereford, England, HR4 9HS. NMITE is registered for VAT under VAT Number 441909588. NMITE is a Company Limited by Guarantee, under Company Number 08800142, and registered in England and Wales. NMITE is also a Registered Charity, under Charity Number 1176550. 

The term 'you' or ‘visitor’ or ‘user’ refers to the user or viewer of our website. 

Limitation of user liability 

Users rely on the information at their own risk. NMITE will not be held liable for any loss or damage, including indirect or consequential loss, arising from the use of this website, encompassing loss of data or profits. 

External links 

The website may include links to other websites beyond NMITE's control. NMITE has no authority over the nature, content, and availability of these external sites. Inclusion of links does not imply a recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed within those sites. 

Website functionality 

NMITE endeavours to maintain the smooth operation of its website. However, NMITE is not accountable for temporary unavailability due to technical issues beyond its control. 

For questions about this website or the information included on it, please email  

Website Terms of Use

By continuing to browse and use this website, you agree to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined below, along with our Data, Privacy and Cookies Policy. These terms govern the relationship between you and NMITE, concerning the NMITE website:  

We reserve the right to modify these Website Terms of Use at any time. Updates will be reflected on this web page. It is advisable to periodically check for any changes. 

For any correspondence related to this website, please contact  

Ownership information 

The terms 'NMITE' or 'us' or 'we' refers to the owner of the website, with the registered office at NMITE, Blackfriars Street, Hereford, England, HR4 9HS. NMITE is registered for VAT under VAT Number 441909588. NMITE is a Company Limited by Guarantee, under Company Number 08800142, and registered in England and Wales. NMITE is also a Registered Charity, under Charity Number 1176550. 

The term 'you' or ‘visitor’ or ‘user’ refers to the user or viewer of our website. 

Terms of use 

The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use: 

General information disclaimer 

The content on the NMITE website is provided for your general information and usage. It is regularly updated and is, therefore, subject to change without prior notice. Please check back regularly for the most up-to-date information. 

Accuracy and liability disclaimer 

We’re dedicated to ensuring information is factually correct. However, neither we nor any third parties provide a warranty or guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness, or suitability of the information and materials on this website for any specific purpose. 

By accessing this website, you acknowledge that the information and materials provided may contain inaccuracies or errors. We explicitly disclaim liability to the maximum extent allowed by law for any such inaccuracies or errors. 

Your usage of the information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, and we shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from such use. It is your responsibility to verify that any products, services, or information obtained through this website meet your specific requirements. 


This website and its content are copyrighted by NMITE © 2024. All rights reserved.  

The website's material, including design, layout, look, appearance, and graphics, is either owned by or licensed to us. Reproduction is prohibited, except in accordance with the copyright notice forming part of these terms and conditions. 

  • Unauthorised use of this website may result in a claim for damages and/or be deemed a criminal offense.  
  • We duly acknowledge all trademarks reproduced on this website that are neither owned nor licensed to us. 
  • Periodically, this website may contain links to other websites for supplementary information. These links are provided for your convenience and do not imply our endorsement of the linked website(s). We bear no responsibility for the content of linked website(s). 
  • Your use of this website and any disputes arising from it are governed by the laws of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. 
  • The redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents is strictly prohibited, except under the following conditions: 
  • You may print or download extracts to a local hard disk for personal and non-commercial use only. 
  • Copying content to individual third parties for their personal use is allowed, provided that you acknowledge the website as the source of the material. 
  • Without our express written permission, you may not distribute or commercially exploit the website content. Transmitting or storing it in any other website or electronic retrieval system, in any form, is strictly prohibited. 

Contact Governance

To contact the Governance team, simply complete the form below. A team member will be in touch with you shortly.