ERFIT Disadvantaged Learners Criteria
The PHT, NMITE and PureHaus intend to use the definition of a disadvantaged person/worker (to now be termed ‘Learner’) as defined in Article 2.18 of the Regulation (EC) 800/2008 should be the overarching criteria, namely:
Article 2 Definitions 18.
‘disadvantaged worker’ means any person who:
(a) has not been in regular paid employment for the previous 6 months; or
(b) has not attained an upper secondary educational or vocational qualification (ISCED 3); or
(c) is over the age of 50 years; or
(d) lives as a single adult with one or more dependents; or
(e) works in a sector or profession in a Member State where the gender imbalance is at least 25 % higher than the average gender imbalance across all economic sectors in that Member State, and belongs to that underrepresented gender group; or
(f) is a member of an ethnic minority within a Member State and who requires development of his or her linguistic, vocational training or work experience profile to enhance prospects of gaining access to stable employment.
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Income Support
- Pension Credit
- Tax Credits (Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit)
- Housing Benefit
- Council Tax Support
- Social Fund (Sure Start Maternity Grant, Funeral Payment, Cold Weather Payment)
- Universal Credit