NMITE (New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering) is thrilled to announce their upcoming Timber Week, a week-long event dedicated to promoting sustainable building practices and showcasing innovation in the construction industry.
Taking place from 10-14 July, at NMITE’s Skylon Campus, this exciting initiative aims to raise awareness about the benefits of using timber in construction while highlighting the importance of climate-responsive retrofitting, using local Widemarsh Cricket Pavilion. The week-long includes five events ranging from design to exhibitions and more.
University Design Challenge
The highlight of Timber Week is the TDUK Climate Responsive Retrofit: University Design Challenge 2023, which, once again, NMITE is proud to host at its award-winning Skylon Campus at the Centre for Advanced Timber Technology. As part of this competition, long-listed teams will present their final proposals to a professional judging panel consisting of architects, engineers, cost consultants, and council representatives. The live event, scheduled for 14 July, will feature captivating presentations and thought-provoking discussions on sustainable timber design solutions on the redesign of Widemarsh Cricket Pavilion.
The University Design Challenge encourages participants to explore and develop innovative approaches to retrofitting buildings, with a specific focus on climate responsiveness. Through this challenge, NMITE aims to inspire future engineers and architects to incorporate sustainable practices into their designs, thereby contributing to a more environmentally conscious built environment.
Transforming Timber
Participants at Timber Week will have the unique opportunity to attend a London event on the afternoon of the 12th of July at the Building Centre headquarters of Timber Development UK. The Building from England’s Woodlands project team led by NMITE will present the findings from the first year of the project funded by Forestry Commission, Timber in Construction Innovation fund. The project in partnership with dRMM Architects, Ecosystems Technologies, Edinburgh Napier University and Built Environment – Smarter Transformation (BE-ST) aims to revolutionise the use of English hardwood forest products in the built environment. By presenting the project's findings, participants will gain valuable insights into sustainable timber construction techniques, carbon reduction strategies, and the preservation of woodland ecosystems.
Participants will also see the launch of a new “Transforming Timber” platform. This combined launch event will bring together industry experts, researchers, and stakeholders to delve into the research outcomes and explore the potential of timber in construction.
Simultaneously, the Transforming Timber platform launch will offer a comprehensive digital resource for industry professionals and enthusiasts. This online platform, a result of the Innovate UK funded project led by BE-ST, ENU, and Ecosystems Technologies, will serve as a hub for sharing research outputs, including information on life cycle analysis, quality assurance tests, manufacturing compatibility, and case studies showcasing the successful utilisation of timber in construction. The platform will also feature post-occupancy evaluations, providing a holistic view of the long-term benefits and performance of timber-based structures.
Tickets are also available to join the Transforming Timber launch remotely.
Building from England’s Woodlands + Transforming Timber Platform Launch Tickets
TT Platform Launch- online webinar Tickets

Timber Technology, Engineering and Design 2 (TED 2)
Timber Technology, Engineering and Design (TED) 2 students will also return to Hereford to complete their first design brief as part of this professional short course. Utilising scaled model building materials, participants will build their innovative designs for offsite constructed building elements, including wall, floor or roof panels. The design brief focuses on means and methods that do one or more of the following: Reduce material usage, ease transportation costs, or manage potential errors in assembly.
The three-day visit also includes guest lectures from industry leaders on the forefront of innovative use of timber in the built environment.
Timber Week aims to foster a culture of sustainability and innovation in the construction industry by highlighting the numerous advantages of timber as a building material. Timber is renewable, energy-efficient, and has a lower carbon footprint compared to traditional construction materials. By promoting the use of timber and climate-responsive retrofitting, NMITE hopes to inspire a shift towards more sustainable building practices in the industry.
Want to get involved? NMITE's Timber Technology, Engineering and Design (TED) 1 course is due to run again in September 2023 with applications currently being accepted.